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Ganahee’s Media Centre

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Random Quote: “There can’t be a crisis today, my schedule is already full!”

Home Page

Hello, welcome to Ganahee’s Media Centre, and best wishes and a safe, peaceful and prosperous 2024 to all my visitors!

This website is home to my friend, Joseph, AKA: DJ Jeo Chronis’ Audio Theatre show archives, the various on-line locations where his show can be heard nightly, 7 days a week, as well as my own personal content, which, as yet, hasn't been added.

The site, in general – the archive, in particular, is a work in progress. To date, the site has grown significantly, and the page layout has changed to a 3-column with header and footer format, which was produced with the help of the page format wizard at Free Site Design Tips and Tutorials at

Additionally, I've been building out the Audio Theatre archive. Content is being added on a daily basis as new shows are streamed. The on–disk archive currently has 4,468 shows, but about a third of that isn’t posted.

The previous week’s streams are being posted on a page called “Last Week on AT”. This page stays up for one week, then I’m putting up the next one, usually late Saturday evening, or on Sunday. During the week, I’m posting each day’s content, after it’s been streamed, to it’s respective page.

I finally got my external search engine, FreeFind installed. the search engine, itself, is functional, and I’ve gotten the search boxes placed on each page of the site. Now that the search engine is installed on the site, it should make locating shows lots easier, I hope?

More recently, I’ve added both a new heading, as well as two new links, to the left sidebar of the site. the new links are for an app, called EarnApp Referrals, and Honeygain. These apps allow you to generate passive income, day or night. The apps are easy to install and set up, and they’ll start earning income for you, immediately. As an added bonus, each time you refer friends, family, co–workers, etc, you earn a percentage of everything they earn, but it doesn’t affect what they earn. It’s a win–win for everybody. Take a chance, check them out – if you think either of these apps are right for you, go for it! Start earning extra cash today, the smarter, not harder way!

As of now, my future plans for the site are, of course, to continue adding nightly streams and/or new streams pages, as appropriate. Additionally, I plan to ad a guestbook to the site, as well as a random text–generator, (now added and functional), for putting up random quotes. It’d also be nice to put up a message board, so folks could discuss the various shows archived here, as well as accessibility–related issues, etc. Not sure if I’ll do it or not, but I’ve contemplated putting up my own personal musings, for whatever they’re worth.

Yup, it’s been quite a while since I last updated this page. As you can see, though, your WebMaster has been faithfully working, behind the scenes, unseen, unheard, building, growing, changing and updating the site. true, it’s a lot of work, building a website, but I’m enjoying the work, and knowing folks are deriving enjoyment from this little stop along the Information Superhighway – that’s the most gratifying part of it all!

Be sure to check back often, as this site grows and changes, and new Audio Theatre content, and other features become available.

Happy browsing & listening!

© 2017–2024, by
Ronald Johnson
. All rights reserved. This page was last modified on June 01, 2024, 03:55:24 UTC.
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